2014-15 NFL Point Spreads for Weeks 1-16
On Friday CG Technologies, formerly known as Cantor Gaming, released lines for every single NFL game between Week 1 and 16. Most sportsbooks will not post Week 17 lines because many teams will have already locked up a playoff spot and will be resting their starters.
We’ve already posted Week 1 lines at a number of offshore sportsbooks, but make sure you’re fully prepared for the upcoming season by checking out the 2014-15 Super Bowl Futures and Win Totals.
(h/t @DavidPurdum; original post can be found here)
Week 1
Green Bay Packers at Seattle Seahawks (-5, 44.5)
New Orleans Saints at Atlanta Falcons (-1, 51.5)
Minnesota Vikings at St. Louis Rams (-4.5, 45.5)
Cleveland Browns at Pittsburgh Steelers (-5, 40.5)
Jacksonville Jaguars at Philadelphia Eagles (-11, 52)
Oakland Raiders at New York Jets (-4.5, 40)
Cincinnati Bengals at Baltimore Ravens (-2.5, 43)
Buffalo Bills at Chicago Bears (-6.5, 48.5)
Washington Redskins at Houston Texans (-2.5, 46)
Tennessee Titans at Kansas City Chiefs (-5, 44)
New England Patriots (-3.5, 47.5) at Miami Dolphins
Carolina Panthers (-2, 40.5) at Tampa Bay Buccaneers
San Francisco 49ers (-3.5, 48) at Dallas Cowboys
Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos (-7, 55.5)
New York Giants at Detroit Lions (-4, 46)
San Diego Chargers at Arizona Cardinals (-3, 44.5)
Week 2
Pittsburgh Steelers at Baltimore Ravens (-2)
Atlanta Falcons at Cincinnati Bengals (-3)
New Orleans Saints (-2.5) at Cleveland Browns
New England Patriots (-3) at Minnesota Vikings
Detroit Lions at Carolina Panthers (-3.5)
Miami Dolphins at Buffalo Bills (-1)
Arizona Cardinals at New York Giants (-3)
Jacksonville Jaguars at Washington Redskins (-9)
Dallas Cowboys (-2.5) at Tennessee Titans
Seattle Seahawks (-2.5) at San Diego Chargers
St. Louis Rams at Tampa Bay Buccaneers (-2.5)
New York Jets at Green Bay Packers (-8.5)
Kansas City Chiefs at Denver Broncos (-7)
Houston Texans (-2.5) at Oakland Raiders
Chicago Bears at San Francisco 49ers (-7)
Philadelphia Eagles at Indianapolis Colts (-2.5)
Week 3
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Atlanta Falcons (-5.5)
Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns (pick ’em)
Green Bay Packers (-1) at Detroit Lions
Tennessee Titans at Cincinnati Bengals (-7)
San Diego Chargers at Buffalo Bills (-1)
Denver Broncos at Seattle Seahawks (-3.5)
Pittsburgh Steelers at Carolina Panthers (-3.5)
Indianapolis Colts (-6) at Jacksonville Jaguars
Oakland Raiders at New England Patriots (-13)
Minnesota Vikings at New Orleans Saints (-10)
Houston Texans at New York Giants (-4)
Washington Redskins at Philadelphia Eagles (-4.5)
Dallas Cowboys at St. Louis Rams (pick ’em)
San Francisco 49ers (-2.5) at Arizona Cardinals
Kansas City Chiefs at Miami Dolphins (pick ’em)
Chicago Bears at New York Jets (pick ’em)
Week 4
New York Giants at Washington Redskins (-1.5)
Tennessee Titans at Indianapolis Colts (-7.5)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Pittsburgh Steelers (-3.5)
Green Bay Packers at Chicago Bears (-1.5)
Carolina Panthers at Baltimore Ravens (-1)
Buffalo Bills at Houston Texans (-5)
Detroit Lions (-1) at New York Jets
Miami Dolphins (-5) at Oakland Raiders
Jacksonville Jaguars at San Diego Chargers (-10)
Atlanta Falcons (-1) at Minnesota Vikings
Philadelphia Eagles at San Francisco 49ers (-6)
New Orleans Saints at Dallas Cowboys (pick ’em)
New England Patriots at Kansas City Chiefs (-1)
Week 5
Minnesota Vikings at Green Bay Packers (-10)
Buffalo Bills at Detroit Lions (-7.5)
Houston Texans at Dallas Cowboys (-4.5)
Chicago Bears at Carolina Panthers (-3.5)
Pittsburgh Steelers (-6.5) at Jacksonville Jaguars
Baltimore Ravens at Indianapolis Colts (-3)
Cleveland Browns at Tennessee Titans (-2.5)
St. Louis Rams at Philadelphia Eagles (-6)
Atlanta Falcons at New York Giants (-2.5)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at New Orleans Saints (-7.5)
Arizona Cardinals at Denver Broncos (-9)
Kansas City Chiefs at San Francisco (-7)
New York Jets at San Diego Chargers (-4)
Cincinnati Bengals at New England Patriots (-4)
Seattle Seahawks (-4.5) at Washington Redskins
Week 6
Indianapolis Colts at Houston Texans (-1)
Detroit Lions (-1) at Minnesota Vikings
Green Bay Packers (-2.5) at Miami Dolphins
Pittsburgh Steelers at Cleveland Browns (pick ’em)
Carolina Panthers at Cincinnati Bengals (-2)
New England Patriots (-3.5) at Buffalo Bills
Chicago Bears at Atlanta Falcons (-3)
Denver Broncos (-6) at New York Jets
Jacksonville Jaguars at Tennessee Titans (-7)
Baltimore Ravens at Tampa Bay Buccaneers (-1)
San Diego Chargers (-2.5) at Oakland Raiders
Dallas Cowboys at Seattle Seahawks (-7.5)
Washington Redskins at Arizona Cardinals (-4)
New York Giants at Philadelphia Eagles (-4.5)
San Francisco 49ers (-4.5) at St. Louis Rams
Week 7
New York Jets at New England Patriots (-7.5)
New Orleans Saints at Detroit Lions (-1.5)
Miami Dolphins at Chicago Bears (-6)
Minnesota Vikings at Buffalo Bills (-2.5)
Atlanta Falcons at Baltimore Ravens (-3)
Carolina Panthers at Green Bay Packers (-4)
Tennessee Titans at Washington Redskins (-3.5)
Seattle Seahawks (-6) at St. Louis Rams
Cleveland Browns (-2.5) at Jacksonville Jaguars
Cincinnati Bengals at Indianapolis Colts (-2.5)
Kansas City Chiefs at San Diego Chargers (-2)
Arizona Cardinals (-3.5) at Oakland Raiders
New York Giants at Dallas Cowboys (-3.5)
San Francisco 49ers at Denver Broncos (-3)
Houston Texans at Pittsburgh Steelers (-3.5)
Week 8
San Diego Chargers at Denver Broncos (-8.5)
Detroit Lions (-1) at Atlanta Falcons
Houston Texas at Tennessee Titans (pick ’em)
Seattle Seahawks (-1.5) at Carolina Panthers
Baltimore Ravens at Cincinnati Bengals (-3)
Miami Dolphins (-4) at Jacksonville Jaguars
St. Louis Rams at Kansas City Chiefs (-6.5)
Chicago Bears at New England Patriots (-4.5)
Buffalo Bills at New York Jets (-2.5)
Minnesota Vikings at Tampa Bay Buccaneers (-3)
Philadelphia Eagles at Arizona Cardinals (-2)
Oakland Raiders at Cleveland Browns (-4.5)
Indianapolis Colts at Pittsburgh Steelers (-2)
Green Bay Packers at New Orleans Saints (-2.5)
Washington Redskins at Dallas Cowboys (-4.5)
Week 9
New Orleans Saints at Carolina Panthers (-2.5)
Tampa Buccaneers at Cleveland Browns (-2.5)
Jacksonville Jaguars at Cincinnati Bengals (-11)
Arizona Cardinals at Dallas Cowboys (-3.5)
Philadelphia Eagles at Houston Texans (pick ’em)
New York Jets at Kansas City Chiefs (-6)
San Diego Chargers at Miami Dolphins (-2.5)
Washington Redskins at Minnesota Vikings (-1.5)
St. Louis Rams at San Francisco 49ers (-11)
Denver Broncos at New England Patriots (-1)
Oakland Raiders at Seattle Seahawks (-14.5)
Baltimore Ravens at Pittsburgh Steelers (-2.5)
Indianapolis Colts at New York Giants (-1)
Week 10
Cleveland Browns at Cincinnati Bengals (-6.5)
Tennessee Titans at Baltimore Ravens (-6)
Kansas City Chiefs (-2) at Buffalo Bills
Miami Dolphins at Detroit Lions (-5)
Dallas Cowboys (-10) at Jacksonville Jaguars
San Francisco 49ers at New Orleans Saints (-1.5)
Pittsburgh Steelers (-2) at New York Jets
Atlanta Falcons at Tampa Bay Buccaneers (pick ’em)
Denver Broncos (-10) at Oakland Raiders
St. Louis Rams at Arizona Cardinals (-4)
New York Giants at Seattle Seahawks (-10)
Chicago Bears at Green Bay Packers (-6)
Carolina Panthers at Philadelphia Eagles (-1)
Week 11
Buffalo Bills at Miami Dolphins (-3.5)
Minnesota Vikings at Chicago Bears (-7)
Atlanta Falcons at Carolina Panthers (-4)
Houston Texans at Cleveland Browns (-1.5)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Washington Redskins (-2.5)
Denver Broncos (-4.5) at St. Louis Rams
San Francisco 49ers (-3) at New York Giants
Cincinnati Bengals at New Orleans Saints (-4)
Seattle Seahawks (-2.5) at Kansas City Chiefs
Philadelphia Eagles at Green Bay Packers (-4.5)
Oakland Raiders at San Diego Chargers (-8)
Detroit Lions at Arizona Cardinals (-2.5)
New England Patriots at Indianapolis Colts (-1)
Pittsburgh Steelers (-2) at Tennessee Titans
Week 12
Kansas City Chiefs (-4) at Oakland Raiders
Jacksonville Jaguars at Indianapolis Colts (-12)
Cincinnati Bengals at Houston Texans (pick ’em)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Chicago Bears (-6)
New York Jets at Buffalo Bills (-2.5)
Cleveland Browns at Atlanta Falcons (-7)
Green Bay Packers (-4.5) at Minnesota Vikings
Tennessee Titans at Philadelphia Eagles (-7)
Detroit Lions at New England Patriots (-6)
St. Louis Rams at San Diego Chargers (-4)
Arizona Cardinals at Seattle Seahawks (-10.5)
Washington Redskins at San Francisco 49ers (-8.5)
Miami Dolphins at Denver Broncos (-10)
Dallas Cowboys at New York Giants (-2.5)
Baltimore Ravens at New Orleans Saints (-6.5)
Week 13
Chicago Bears at Detroit Lions (-3)
Philadelphia Eagles at Dallas Cowboys (-1.5)
Seattle Seahawks at San Francisco 49ers (-2.5)
Oakland Raiders at St. Louis Rams (-5.5)
Cincinnati Bengals at Tampa Bay Buccaneers (pick ’em)
San Diego Chargers at Baltimore Ravens (-3)
Cleveland Browns at Buffalo Bills (-2.5)
Tennessee Titans at Houston Texans (-5)
Washington Redskins at Indianapolis Colts (-6)
New York Giants (-5.5) at Jacksonville Jaguars
Carolina Panthers (-3) at Minnesota Vikings
New Orleans Saints at Pittsburgh Steelers (-2.5)
Arizona Cardinals at Atlanta Falcons (-4)
New England Patriots at Green Bay Packers (-3.5)
Denver Broncos (-3) at Kansas City Chiefs
Miami Dolphins at New York Jets (-1)
Week 14
Dallas Cowboys at Chicago Bears (-4.5)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Detroit Lions (-6)
Houston Texans (-4) at Jacksonville Jaguars
Indianapolis Colts (-1) at Cleveland Browns
Pittsburgh Steelers at Cincinnati Bengals (-3)
Baltimore Ravens at Miami Dolphins (pick ’em)
St. Louis Rams at Washington Redskins (-2.5)
New York Jets at Minnesota Vikings (-2)
Carolina Panthers at New Orleans Saints (-3.5)
New York Giants (-1) at Tennessee Titans
Kansas City Chiefs at Arizona Cardinals (-2)
Buffalo Bills at Denver Broncos (-11.5)
San Francisco 49ers (-7) at Oakland Raiders
Seattle Seahawks (-1) at Philadelphia Eagles
New England Patriots (-1) at San Diego Chargers
Atlanta Falcons at Green Bay Packers (-6.5)
Week 15
Arizona Cardinals at St. Louis (-1)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Carolina Panthers (-6.5)
Green Bay Packers (-4.5) at Buffalo Bills
Jacksonville Jaguars at Baltimore Ravens (-10.5)
Pittsburgh Steelers at Atlanta Falcons (-3.5)
Cincinnati Bengals (-1.5) at Cleveland Browns
Washington Redskins at New York Giants (-3.5)
Minnesota Vikings at Detroit Lions (-7)
Houston Texans at Indianapolis Colts (-4.5)
Oakland Raiders at Kansas City Chiefs (-8.5)
Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots (-6.5)
Denver Broncos (-3.5) at San Diego Chargers
New York Jets at Tennessee Titans (-1.5)
San Francisco 49ers at Seattle Seahawks (-3.5)
Dallas Cowboys at Philadelphia Eagles (-3)
New Orleans Saints at Chicago Bears (-3)
Week 16
Tennessee Titans (-3) at Jacksonville Jaguars
Philadelphia Eagles (-1.5) at Washington Redskins
San Diego Chargers at San Francisco 49ers (-7)
Cleveland Browns at Carolina Panthers (-7.5)
Detroit Lions at Chicago Bears (-4)
Baltimore Ravens at Houston Texans (-1)
Minnesota Vikings at Miami Dolphins (-4)
Atlanta Falcons at New Orleans Saints (-6.5)
New England Patriots (-3) at New York Jets
Kansas City Chiefs at Pittsburgh Steelers (-1.5)
Green Bay Packers (-3) at Tampa Bay Buccaneers
New York Giants at St. Louis Rams (-3)
Indianapolis Colts at Dallas Cowboys (-2.5)
Buffalo Bills (-1) at Oakland Raiders
Seattle Seahawks (-3.5) at Arizona Cardinals
Denver Broncos (-1.5) at Cincinnati Bengals
Week 17
Note: Week 17 lines are projected using the previous game between the two teams and adjusting for home field advantage — typically valued at 3-points.
Carolina Panthers at Atlanta Falcons (-2)
Cleveland Browns at Baltimore Ravens (-6)
Dallas Cowboys at Washington Redskins (-1.5)
Indianapolis Colts (-1.5) at Tennessee Titans
Detroit Lions at Green Bay Packers (-7)
Jacksonville Jaguars at Houston Texans (-10)
San Diego Chargers at Kansas City Chiefs (-4)
New York Jets at Miami Dolphins (-5)
Chicago Bears (-1) at Minnesota Vikings
Buffalo Bills at New England Patriots (-9.5)
Philadelphia Eagles at New York Giants (-1.5)
Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers (-3)
New Orleans Saints (-1.5) at Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Oakland Raiders at Denver Broncos (-16)
Arizona Cardinals at San Francisco 49ers (-8.5)
St. Louis Rams at Seattle Seahawks (-12)
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