Who Will Be the Next Character to Die on Game of Thrones?
For the uninitiated, Game of Thrones is an epic fantasy story that deals with the quest for power in the mythical kingdom of Westeros. It deals with a massive ensemble cast that consistently turns in incredible performances.
It’s a show that defies almost every television convention and has attracted record numbers of viewers on HBO. However, for many it can be defined by two traits: nudity and violence.
Season six debuted on April 24th and, two days later, Bovada posted odds on which major character would be the next to perish. Although several prominent characters have already died this season, none of them were listed as an option for this prop bet. For that reason, Bovada re-opened their odds on Tuesday morning with several major changes.
The table below compares how the odds have moved in the past week.
Character | Bovada (5/3) | Bovada (4/26) |
Alliser Thorne | +250 | +750 |
Jorah Mormont | +600 | +400 |
Lady Melisandre | +600 | +3000 |
Ramsay Bolton (Snow) | +800 | +800 |
Theon Greyjoy | +1000 | +800 |
High Sparrow | +1500 | +1800 |
Loras Tyrell | +1800 | +2500 |
Daario Naharis | +1800 | +1800 |
Sansa Stark | +1800 | +800 |
Brienne of Tarth | +2000 | +1100 |
Tommen Baratheon | +2000 | +2500 |
Podrick Payne | +2000 | +1000 |
Ellaria Sand | +2500 | +2500 |
Margaery Tyrell | +2500 | +2500 |
Grey Worm | +2500 | +1800 |
Davos | +3000 | +3000 |
Missandei | +3000 | +3000 |
Jaime Lannister | +3300 | +2500 |
Drogon | +4500 | +3000 |
Olenna Tyrell | +4500 | +3000 |
Bronn | +5000 | +4000 |
Petyr Baelish | +5000 | +4000 |
Lord Varys | +5000 | +5000 |
Samwell Tarly | +6600 | +5000 |
Tyrion Lannister | +7500 | +5000 |
Cersei Lannister | +7500 | +5000 |
Jaquen H’ghar | +7500 | +7500 |
Arya Stark | +10000 | +5000 |
Daenerys Targaryen | +10000 | +7500 |
It’s interesting to see that Jorah Mormont, who contracted grayscale last season, is no longer listed as the favorite — that honor belongs to Alliser Thorne. The former Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch moved from +750 to +250 in the last week, which can largely be explained by Jon Snow’s resurrection from the dead.
Other major moves include Lady Melisandre (+3000 to +600), Loras Tyrell (+2500 to +1800), Podrick Payne (+1000 to +2000), Brienne of Tarth (+1100 to +2000) and Sansa Stark (+800 to +1800). Sportsbooks take very small limits on these types of prop bets, but it does provide some insight into which characters are likely to meet their demise.
It’s also worth noting that the oddsmakers believe that Arya Stark will regain her sight this season, and it may happen sooner rather than later. If her vision isn’t restored by end of Season 6, then all wagers are void.
When will Arya Stark regain her sight in Season 6?
- Episode 3: +175
- Episode 4: +200
- Episode 5: +275
- Episode 6: +500
- Episode 7-10: +450
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