Introducing the Bet Labs Think Tank

Introducing the Bet Labs Think Tank

We are proud to introduce our new Think Tank feature which allows Bet Labs users to easily share their systems with other users to help improve their overall portfolio of systems.  This new tool optimizes the ability of sophisticated bettors to communicate and share ideas.  If you are stuck creating a system or just need a new idea to get you jump started, the Think Tank will be a great place to see what users are finding with our data.  Below are some of the features, and you can view an introductory video on the Think Tank by clicking here.

1. Share systems – You can now share your created systems to the Think Tank for members to review and discuss



2. Copy, Rate, and Comment on shared systems – Members are now able to Copy a shared system and provide feedback by commenting on and rating the system



3. Add Theory – Personalize how you created your system by adding the reasoning behind your methods



We’re also constantly adding new filters and options to Bet Labs and have most recently included Tournament info (Conference tournaments, CIT, CBI, NIT, NCAA), Rounds, Seeds, and Coaches.  To view any tournament data, make sure you’ve chosen Postseason as your starting filter.

The think tank is available to all members to view but only current members are able to access all features, so be sure to test out our 6-day trial for just $25 and let us know what you think.

Dan McGuire

Dan McGuire is the Operations Manager and soccer specialist at Sports Insights. You can find him on Twitter (@ArsenalDMC) and he can be reached directly at

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