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NBA Injuries

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Atlanta Hawks Team IconAtlanta Hawks
Clint CapelaCOutBackCapela is out with backJan 30
Terance MannSGOutCoach's DecisionMann is out with coach's decisionFeb 6
Jalen JohnsonSFOut for seasonShoulderJohnson is out for season with shoulderFeb 1
Kobe BufkinPGOutShoulderBufkin is out with shoulderDec 26
Boston Celtics Team IconBoston Celtics
Jrue HolidayPGOutShoulderJrue Holiday (shoulder) out Thursday.Feb 6
Torrey CraigSFOutLegCraig is out with legJan 12
Brooklyn Nets Team IconBrooklyn Nets
Bojan BogdanovicPFOutFootBogdanovic is out with footJan 14
Ben SimmonsPFQuestionableBackSimmons is questionable with backFeb 5
De'Anthony MeltonPGOutKneeMelton is out with kneeNov 22
Cam ThomasPGOutHamstringCam Thomas (hamstring) out Saturday.Jan 4
Noah ClowneySFOutAnkleClowney is out with ankleFeb 1
Charlotte Hornets Team IconCharlotte Hornets
Grant WilliamsSFOutKneeWilliams is out with kneeNov 27
Cam ReddishSGDoubtfulPersonalReddish is doubtful with personalFeb 4
Josh GreenPGOutCalfJosh Green (calf) out Friday.Feb 7
Tre MannPGOutBackMann is out with backNov 23
Brandon MillerSGOutWristBrandon Miller (wrist) out Friday.Jan 17
Dalton KnechtPGOutConditioningDalton Knecht out Friday.Feb 7
Chicago Bulls Team IconChicago Bulls
Talen Horton-TuckerPGDoubtfulLegHorton-Tucker is doubtful with legFeb 4
Chris DuartePGOutPersonalDuarte is out with personalFeb 4
Dalen TerrySFOutKneeDalen Terry (knee) out Wednesday. Feb 5
Adama SanogoCQuestionableKneeSanogo is questionable with kneeFeb 4
Cleveland Cavaliers Team IconCleveland Cavaliers
Dean WadeSFOutKneeDean Wade (knee) out Saturday.Jan 25
Isaac OkoroSGOutShoulderIsaac Okoro (shoulder) out Saturday.Jan 19
Dallas Mavericks Team IconDallas Mavericks
Anthony DavisSFOutAbdomenAnthony Davis (abdominal) out Thursday.Feb 6
Dwight PowellCOutHipPowell is out with hipJan 20
P.J. WashingtonSFOutPersonalPJ Washington (personal) out Tuesday.Feb 4
Caleb MartinSFQuestionableHipMartin is questionable with hipFeb 4
Dereck LivelyCOutAnkleLively is out with ankleJan 29
Denver Nuggets Team IconDenver Nuggets
Jamal MurrayPGOutKneeJamal Murray (knee) out Thursday.Feb 7
Vlatko CancarSFOutKneeCancar is out with kneeNov 22
Peyton WatsonPGOutKneePeyton Watson (knee) out Saturday.Feb 1
DaRon HolmesSFOutAchillesHolmes is out with achillesDec 30
Detroit Pistons Team IconDetroit Pistons
Cade CunninghamPGOutAnkleCade Cunningham (ankle) out Friday.Feb 8
Jaden IveyPGOutLegIvey is out with legJan 3
Golden State Warriors Team IconGolden State Warriors
Jimmy ButlerSFOutSuspensionJimmy Butler (suspension) out Monday.Jan 27
Draymond GreenSFProbableCalfDraymond Green (calf) probable Thursday.Feb 6
Buddy HieldPGProbableIllnessBuddy Hield (illness) probable Monday.Feb 3
Jonathan KumingaSFOutAnkleKuminga is out with ankleJan 7
Gui SantosSFOutKneeGui Santos (knee) out Thursday.Feb 7
Trayce Jackson-DavisCProbableKneeTrayce Jackson-Davis (knee) probable Thursday.Feb 6
Houston Rockets Team IconHouston Rockets
Cody ZellerCOutUndisclosed Zeller is out with undisclosed Nov 22
Steven AdamsCOutAnkleSteven Adams (ankle) out Thursday.Feb 6
Jabari SmithSFOutHandJabari Smith Jr. (hand) out Friday.Jan 3
Indiana Pacers Team IconIndiana Pacers
Isaiah JacksonSFOutAchillesJackson is out with achillesNov 22
Enrique FreemanSFQuestionableIllnessFreeman is questionable with illnessFeb 1
Los Angeles Clippers Team IconLos Angeles Clippers
Bogdan BogdanovicPGOutPersonalBogdan Bogdanovic (personal) out Tuesday.Jan 28
Cam ChristiePGOutAnkleChristie is out with ankleJan 29
Los Angeles Lakers Team IconLos Angeles Lakers
Christian WoodSFOutKneeWood is out with kneeOct 19
Maxi KleberSFOutFootKleber is out with footJan 29
Luka DoncicSGOutCalfDoncic is out with calfDec 27
Rui HachimuraSFProbableCalfRui Hachimura (calf) probable Tuesday.Jan 28
Memphis Grizzlies Team IconMemphis Grizzlies
Marvin BagleySFOutKneeBagley is out with kneeDec 26
Desmond BanePGQuestionableAnkleDesmond Bane (ankle) out Monday.Feb 3
Cam SpencerPGOutThumbSpencer is out with thumbJan 20
Miami Heat Team IconMiami Heat
Dru SmithPGOutAchillesSmith is out with achillesDec 26
Milwaukee Bucks Team IconMilwaukee Bucks
Bobby PortisSFDoubtfulPersonalBobby Portis (personal) doubtful Monday.Feb 3
Giannis AntetokounmpoSFOutCalfGiannis Antetokounmpo (calf) out Friday.Feb 7
Pat ConnaughtonPGOutCalfPat Connaughton (calf) out Friday.Feb 7
Gary TrentPGProbableHipTrent is probable with hipJan 17
Kevin PorterSGOutNonePorter is outFeb 6
Minnesota Timberwolves Team IconMinnesota Timberwolves
Julius RandleSFOutGroinRandle is out with groinFeb 1
Donte DiVincenzoPGOutToeDiVincenzo is out with toeJan 17
Terrence ShannonPGQuestionableFootShannon is questionable with footFeb 1
New Orleans Pelicans Team IconNew Orleans Pelicans
Herbert JonesPFOutShoulderJones is out with shoulderJan 12
Jose AlvaradoPGQuestionableIllnessJose Alvarado (illness) questionable Wednesday.Feb 5
New York Knicks Team IconNew York Knicks
OG AnunobySGOutFootOG Anunoby (foot) out Monday.Feb 3
Josh HartPFProbableKneeJosh Hart (knee) probable Monday.Feb 3
Mitchell RobinsonCOutAnkleRobinson is out with ankleOct 19
Pacome DadietPGOutToeDadiet is out with toeJan 29
Oklahoma City Thunder Team IconOklahoma City Thunder
Luguentz DortPGOutBackLuguentz Dort (back) out Friday.Feb 7
Jalen WilliamsPFQuestionableWristWilliams is questionable with wristFeb 5
Cason WallacePGOutShoulderCason Wallace (shoulder) out Monday.Feb 3
Nikola TopicPGOut for seasonKneeTopić is out for season with kneeOct 19
Ajay MitchellPGOutToeMitchell is out with toeJan 5
Orlando Magic Team IconOrlando Magic
Gary HarrisPGOutHamstringGary Harris (hamstring) out Thursday.Feb 7
Moritz WagnerSFOutKneeWagner is out with kneeDec 26
Jalen SuggsPGOutQuadJalen Suggs (quad) out Thursday.Feb 7
Philadelphia 76ers Team IconPhiladelphia 76ers
Guerschon YabuseleSFOutKneeGuerschon Yabusele (knee) out Friday.Feb 7
Quentin GrimesPGDoubtfulCoach's DecisionQuentin Grimes (coach's decision) doubtful Wednesday.Feb 5
Jared McCainPGOutKneeMcCain is out with kneeDec 30
Phoenix Suns Team IconPhoenix Suns
Bradley BealPGOutToeBradley Beal (toe) out Friday.Feb 8
Kevin DurantSFOutAnkleKevin Durant (ankle) out Friday.Feb 8
Cody MartinPFOutCoreCody Martin (core) out Saturday.Jan 25
Vasilije MicicPGOutAnkleVasilije Micic (ankle) out Wednesday.Feb 5
Portland Trail Blazers Team IconPortland Trail Blazers
Matisse ThybullePFOutKneeThybulle is out with kneeOct 19
San Antonio Spurs Team IconSan Antonio Spurs
Patrick BaldwinSFOutCoach's DecisionBaldwin is out with coach's decisionFeb 5
Toronto Raptors Team IconToronto Raptors
Brandon IngramSFOutAnkleIngram is out with ankleDec 26
Jakob PoeltlCOutHipJakob Poeltl (hip) out Wednesday.Feb 5
RJ BarrettSGOutConcussionRJ Barrett (concussion) out Tuesday.Feb 4
James WisemanCOutAchillesWiseman is out with achillesOct 24
Utah Jazz Team IconUtah Jazz
KJ MartinSFOutNoneKJ Martin (trade pending) out Tuesday.Feb 4
Taylor HendricksSFOutLegHendricks is out with legOct 29
Cody WilliamsSFOutAnkleCody Williams (ankle) out Friday.Feb 7
Washington Wizards Team IconWashington Wizards
Malcolm BrogdonPGOutFootMalcolm Brogdon (foot) out Friday.Feb 7
Saddiq BeyPFOutKneeBey is out with kneeOct 19
Justin ChampagniePFOutRibsJustin Champagnie (rib) out Friday.Feb 7
Alex SarrSFOutAnkleAlex Sarr (ankle) out Wednesday.Feb 6

It is always a good idea to review a team’s injury report before placing a wager on a game. Missing players can significantly impact a team’s ability to win games or cover a spread. Key injuries can also be a signal to bettors to wager against that particular team in a given day. Be sure to keep a close eye on the Action Network’s NBA Injury Report with daily updates.

NBA Key Injuries

Eastern Conference

Milwaukee Bucks

  • Brook Lopez
  • George Hill
  • Pat Connaughton

Chicago Bulls

  • Lonzo Ball
  • Alex Caruso
  • Patrick Williams

Cleveland Cavaliers

  • Jarret Allen

Brooklyn Nets

  • Ben Simmons

Western Conference

Phoenix Suns

  • Chris Paul
  • Frank Kaminsky

Memphis Grizzlies

  • Dillon Brooks

Golden State Warriors

  • Draymond Green
  • Andre Iguodola
  • James Wiseman

Dallas Mavericks

  • Tim Hardaway Jr.

Denver Nuggets

  • Jamal Murray
  • Michael Porter Jr. 

Los Angeles Clippers

  • Kawhi Leonard
  • Paul George 
  • Normal Powell

Los Angeles Lakers

  • Anthony Davis
  • Kendrick Nunn
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